Saturday, June 2, 2012

The egg production team

Dominique likes to joke that we should add a surcharge to the bill of guests who don't like eggs.  It's true that we are sometimes in danger of being overwhelmed by our brown and pale green eggs from our Dominique (yep, that's the name of the breed), Mimique, and our "Easter Egger" (a hybrid variety of Araucana), Chipmunk.
Mimique (left) and Chipmunk, the egg production team
These girls are turning 2 years old at the end of the summer, though, and egg production is likely to wane, so we've got our trainees standing by.  They're 3 weeks old today and won't start laying for another 5 months or so, but that should be just in time to take the baton and enable us to keep serving omelets, quiches, and more with eggs from our very own free-range, organic chickens.
Our trainees

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